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HTML - Elzero

Week 1 - HTML

  • #01 – Introduction and What I Need To Learn ?
  • #02 – Elements and Browser
  • #03 – First Project And First Page
  • #04 – Head And Nested Elements
  • #05 – Comments and Use Cases
  • #06 – Doctype And Standard And Quirks Mode
  • #07 – Headings And Use Cases
  • #08 – Syntax And Tests
  • #09 – Paragraph Element
  • #10 – Elements Attributes
  • #11 – Formatting Elements
  • #12 – Links – Anchor Tag
  • #13 – Image And Deal With Path
  • #14 – Lists – UL, OL, DL

Week 2 - HTML

  • #15 – Table
  • #16 – Span And Break And Horizontal Rule
  • #17 – Div and How To Use
  • #18 – HTML Entities
  • #19 – Semantic Elements
  • #20 – Layout With Div And Classes
  • #21 – Layout With Semantic Elements
  • #22 – Audio
  • #23 – Video
  • #24 – Form Part 1 – Input Types And Label
  • #25 – Form Part 2 – Required, Placeholder, Value
  • #26 – Form Part 3 – Action, Name, Method
  • #27 – Form Part 4 – Hidden, Reset, Color, Range, Number

Week 3 - HTML

  • #28 – Form Part 5 – ReadOnly, Disabled, Autofocus
  • #29 – Form Part 6 – Radio And Checkbox
  • #30 – Form Part 7 – Select and Textarea
  • #31 – Form Part 8 – File, Search, URL, Time
  • #32 – Form Part 9 – Data List, Novalidate, Target
  • #33 – Blockquote, Wbr, Bdi, Button
  • #34 – iFrame, Pre, Code
  • #35 – Accessibility Intro
  • #36 – ARIA And Screen Readers
  • #37 – The End What To Do

CSS - Elzero

Week 1 - CSS

  • #01 – Introduction and What I Need To Learn ?
  • #02 – Your First Project And Syntax
  • #03 – Elememt Styling
  • #04 – Name Conventions And Rules
  • #05 – Background – Color, Image, Repeat
  • #06 – Background – Attachment, Position, Size
  • #07 – Padding
  • #08 – Margin
  • #09 – Border
  • #10 – Outline
  • #11 – Display – Block, Inline-Block, Inline
  • #12 – Element Visibility And Use Cases

Week 2 - CSS

  • #13 – Group Multiple Selectors
  • #14 – Nesting
  • #15 – Dimensions – Width And Height
  • #16 – Overflow – Overflow-X And Overflow-Y
  • #17 – Text – Color And Shadow
  • #18 – Text – Alignment
  • #19 – Text – Decoration And Transform
  • #20 – Text – Spacing
  • #21 – Text – Overflow And Use Cases
  • #22 – Inheritance
  • #23 – Typography – Font Family
  • #24 – Typography – Font Size And CSS Units
  • #25 – Typography – Font Style And Variant And Weight
  • #26 – Mouse Cursor

Week 3 - CSS

  • #27 – Float And Clear
  • #28 – Master The CSS Calculation
  • #29 – Opacity
  • #30 – Position
  • #31 – Z-Index
  • #32 – List Styling
  • #33 – Table Styling

Week 4 - CSS

  • #34 – Pseudo Classes
  • #35 – Pseudo Elements – First Letter, First Line, Selection
  • #36 – Pseudo Elements – Before, After, Content
  • #37 – Pseudo Elements – Content Trainings
  • #38 – Vendor Prefixes
  • #39 – Border Radius
  • #40 – Box Shadows And Example
  • #41 – The Box Model And Box Sizing

Week 5 - CSS

  • #42 – Transition
  • #43 – !Important Declaration And Use Cases
  • #44 – The Margin Collapse
  • #45 – CSS Variables And Trainings
  • #46 – Flex Box – Parent – Direction, Wrap, Flow
  • #47 – Flex Box – Parent – Justify Content
  • #48 – Flex Box – Parent – Align Items
  • #49 – Flex Box – Parent – Align Content
  • #50 – Flex Box – Child – Grow, Shrink, Order
  • #51 – Flex Box – Child – Flex Basis, Flex Shorthand
  • #52 – Flex Box – Child – Align Self, Games, Task
  • #53 – Finish The Flex Froggy Game

Week 6 - CSS

  • #54 – Filters
  • #55 – Gradients
  • #56 – Pointer Events And Caret Color
  • #57 – Grid – Parent – Template Columns
  • #58 – Grid – Parent – Template Rows And Gap
  • #59 – Grid – Parent – Justify Content And Align Content
  • #60 – Grid – Parent – Complete Layout With Template Areas
  • #61 – Grid – Child – Grid Column And Grid Row
  • #62 – Grid – Child – Grid Area And Trainings
  • #63 – Grid – Min, Max And Auto Fill
  • #64 – Finish The Grid Garden Game

Week 7 - CSS

  • #65 – 2D Transform – Scale
  • #66 – 2D Transform – Rotate
  • #67 – 2D Transform – Translate
  • #68 – 2D Transform – Skew
  • #69 – 2D Transform – Matrix
  • #70 – Transform Origin
  • #71 – 3D Transform – Rotate
  • #72 – 3D Transform – Translate, Perspective, Perspective Origin
  • #73 – 3D Transform – Backface Visibility And Flip Product

Week 8 - CSS

  • #74 – Animation – KeyFrames, Name, Duration
  • #75 – Animation – Iteration Count, Timing Function, Spinner Loading
  • #76 – Animation – Direction, Fill Mode, Play State, Delay
  • #77 – Up And Down Loading Animation Training
  • #78 – CSS Selectors Reference Part 1
  • #79 – CSS Selectors Reference Part 2
  • #80 – CSS Selectors Reference Part 3
  • #81 – CSS Selectors Reference Part 4
  • #82 – CSS Selectors Reference Part 5
  • #83 – Media Queries And Responsive Designs Intro
  • #84 – Media Queries And Responsive Designs Standards
  • #85 – Media Queries And Responsive Designs Practice
  • #86 – Create Your Framework
  • #87 – CSS Global Values
  • #88 – The End And How To Master CSS

SASS - Elzero

Week 1 - SASS

  • #01 - Introduction and What is Sass
  • #02 - The Needed Tools
  • #03 - Syntax and How to Install Sass
  • #04 - Compile Style With All Methods
  • #05 - Variables

Week 2 - SASS

  • #06 - Working in Action
  • #07 - Nesting
  • #08 - Math and Operators
  • #09 - Extend
  • #10 - Placeholder Selector
  • #11 - Import
  • #12 - Mixin

Week 3 - SASS

  • #13 - If Else Conditions
  • #14 - For Loop
  • #15 - Create Simple Grid System
  • #16 - Each
  • #17 - Each With Multiple Assignments
  • #18 - Each With Map

Week 4 - SASS

  • #19 - While Loop
  • #20 - Training and Advanced Info
  • #21 - Functions
  • #22 - Output Style Options
  • #23 - Using Koala & Course Outro

JavaScript - Elzero

Week 1 - JavaScript

  • #001 - Introduction And What Is JavaScript
  • #002 - How To Study The Course
  • #003 - Setting Up Environment And Tools
  • #004 - Work With Chrome Developer Tools
  • #005 - Where To Put The Code
  • #006 - Comments And Bad Practice
  • #007 - Output To Screen
  • #008 - Console Methods And Styling And Web API
  • #009 - What Is ECMAScript

Week 2 - JavaScript

  • #010 - Data Types And typeof Operator
  • #011 - Variables Introduction
  • #012 - Identifiers Name Conventions And Rules
  • #013 - Var, Let, Const Compare
  • #014 - String Syntax And Characters Escape Sequences
  • #015 - Concatenation
  • #016 - Template Literals (Template Strings)
  • #017 - Variable And Concatenation Challenge

Week 3 - JavaScript

  • #018 - Arithmetic Operators
  • #019 - Unary Plus And Negation Operators
  • #020 - Type Coercion
  • #021 - Assignment Operators
  • #022 - Operators Challenges

Week 4 - JavaScript

  • #023 - Number
  • #024 - Number Methods
  • #025 - Math Object
  • #026 - Number Challenge
  • #027 - String Methods Part 1
  • #028 - String Methods Part 2
  • #029 - String Methods Part 3
  • #030 - String Challenge

Week 5 - JavaScript

  • #031 - Comparison Operators
  • #032 - Logical Operators
  • #033 - If Conditions
  • #034 - Nested If Conditions
  • #035 - Conditional Ternary Operator
  • #036 - Nullish Coalescing Operator & Logical Or
  • #037 - If Condition Challenge
  • #038 - Switch Statement
  • #039 - Switch And If Condition Challenge

Week 6 - JavaScript

  • #040 - Array Big Introduction
  • #041 - Using Length With Array
  • #042 - Add And Remove From Array
  • #043 - Searching Array
  • #044 - Sorting Array
  • #045 - Slicing Array
  • #046 - Joining Arrays
  • #047 - Array Challenge

Week 7 - JavaScript

  • #048 - Loop – For and The Concept Of Loop
  • #049 - Loop On Sequences
  • #050 - Nested Loops And Trainings
  • #051 - Loop Control – Break, Continue, Label
  • #052 - Loop For – Advanced Example
  • #053 - Practice – Add Products To Page
  • #054 - Loop – While
  • #055 - Loop – Do, While
  • #056 - Loop Challenge

Week 8 - JavaScript

  • #057 - Function Intro And Basic Usage
  • #058 - Function Advanced Example
  • #059 - Function Return Statement And Use Cases
  • #060 - Function Default Parameters
  • #061 - Function Rest Parameters
  • #062 - Practice – Ultimate Function
  • #063 - Random Arguments Function Challenge

Week 9 - JavaScript

  • #064 - Anonymous Function and Use Cases
  • #065 - Return Nested Function
  • #066 - Arrow Function Syntax
  • #067 - Scope – Global And Local
  • #068 - Scope – Block
  • #069 - Scope – Lexical (Static)
  • #070 - Arrow Function Challenge

Week 10 - JavaScript

  • #071 - Higher Order Functions – Map
  • #072 - Higher Order Functions – Map Practice
  • #073 - Higher Order Functions – Filter
  • #074 - Higher Order Functions – Filter Practice
  • #075 - Higher Order Functions – Reduce
  • #076 - Higher Order Functions – Reduce Practice
  • #077 - Higher Order Functions – ForEach And Practice
  • #078 - Higher Order Functions Challenge

Week 11 - JavaScript

  • #079 - Object Introduction
  • #080 - Dot Notation vs Bracket Notation
  • #081 - Nested Object and Advanced Trainings
  • #082 - Create Object With New Keyboard
  • #083 - This Keyword
  • #084 - Create Object With Create Method
  • #085 - Create Object With Assign Method

Week 12 - JavaScript

  • #086 - What Is DOM And Select Elements
  • #087 - Get Set Elements Content And Attributes
  • #088 - Check Attributes And Examples
  • #089 - Create And Append Elements
  • #090 - Product With Title And Description Practice
  • #091 - Deal With Children's
  • #092 - DOM Events
  • #093 - Validate Form And Prevent Default

Week 13 - JavaScript

  • #094 - Event Simulation - Click Focus Blur
  • #095 - Class List Object And Methods
  • #096 - CSS Styling And Stylesheets
  • #097 - Before, After, Prepend, Append, Remove
  • #098 - DOM Traversing
  • #099 - DOM Cloning
  • #100 - AddEventListener
  • #101 - DOM Challenge

Week 14 - JavaScript

  • #102 - What Is BOM ?
  • #103 - Alert, Confirm, Prompt
  • #104 - setTimeout and clearTimeout
  • #105 - setInterval and clearInterval
  • #106 - Window Location Object
  • #107 - Window Open And Close
  • #108 - Window History Object
  • #109 - Scroll, ScrollTo, ScrollBy, Focus, Print, Stop
  • #110 - Scroll To Top Using ScrollY