Get started with The Fastest Css, framework for building responsive, mobile-first sites, with GithubCDN and a template starter page.
Looking to quickly add Bootstrap to your project?
Use GithubCDN.
Using a package manager or need to download the source files?
Head to the downloads page.
Copy-paste the stylesheet <Link> into your <head> before all other stylesheets to load our CSS.
<Link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
Be sure to have your pages set up with the latest design and development standards. That means using an HTML5 doctype and including a viewport meta tag for proper responsive behaviors. Put it all together and your pages should look like this:
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<!-- Required meta tags -->
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<title>Hello, world!</title>
<h1>Hello, world!</h1>